
Burn Baby Burn!

Jeff Ravage is this guy who lives and works in the Colorado mountains.
And that’s the end of me referring to myself in the third person. I am an ecological restoration practitioner and a researcher in forest mycology. And I have a LOT of frogs. And I have more mushrooms, but they don’t always take up a lot of space. Sometimes they do, like before a field application. You can learn more about that on the mushroom page.
The frogs always take up a lot of space- but that’s kind of the point. You can learn about that too, on the frog page– where you can find links to my two frog websites; one quasi-academic and one with my personal collection (you might be able to get some frogs of your own there too, if you’re so inclined)
There are links to my film locations website. I still make the occasional video and you can watch some on the video page.
I lecture occasionally as well; about mushrooms (not that kind, sorry). Someday there might be links here to some of those as well.
I am also involved in writing scientific papers and carbon offset protocols. That sounds heavy. (I Am also playing around with biochar-which is very light, but also very black)
But, that’s about it, the rest of my life is pretty boring- except when I’m burning stuff!

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